Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fun Run

On Sunday, the kids and I ran in the 40th annual Vondelpark Loop.

As I've mentioned, we live one street over from Vondelpark.  It's truly our backyard playground, which made this run very special. 

I haven't figured out how to add graphics to a graphic, and therefore can't place an arrow above our house to give you perspective, but you can see the park and the loop in the picture below.  We're one street below the park and toward the left side in this image.

The kinderloop (kids fun run) was 1.5K. Abby and Reese were so excited and awed to line up with all their little co-racers . . . and to BOOM! hear the gun go off.  It was all so new to them!!  Rain was in the forecast, but it was a clear morning with a little chill in the air--perfect for running.

 Abby and Reese both finished, running just shy of an entire mile!!  

Smiles at the finish line . . . 

 The race was even better having shared it with good friends.  Way to go les petits!!

The moms then ran the 6K while the dads and kiddos cheered us on.  It was just as fun for me to share it with a friend as is it was for the kids.

SF deserves a huge shout out because she ROCKED it, coming in first among all the women and twelfth overall.  Woo Hoo!!  Congratulations!!

SF is inspiring and so was my first race (small as it was) that I've done is a couple of years.  Can't wait to hook up with SF and our other friend, LL, when we, girls, will OWN THE NIGHT!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! That was fun! Can't wait for Leiden...there is a kids run there as well...just saying. We will OWN the shit out of the Night. xo
